
الاختيار العطر الصحيح

تصميم العطر المميز يحتاج الى مجموعة من ابداع ملهم و براعة التكنيكي. عطارنا يشاركون خبرتهم الطويلة و احاسيسهم قوي و متقدم اثناء تطوير العطر لزبوننا. موهبة عطارنا هي انسجام النكهات الجديدة و القديمة للاختراع عطر مرغوب. خبراءنا التكنيكي يلائموا اختراعات العطار  مع المنتج بنائآ على الكمية  و القيمة المناسبة. نحن موئسسة لعطر مبتكر التي تعتز بتطوير حلول ناجح لزبوننا و حلول كي يساعدهم على كسب زبائن جديد و بناء صلة مخلصة و دائمة معهم.    

Capturing The Sweet Smell Of Success

We develop fragrances for the whole range of consumer products, from fine fragrances for fashion brands, through home and personal care to laundry detergents and fabric care.

Our teams of evaluators are constantly reviewing new products, across all the markets and product types in which we operate, discovering the latest trends.

Our evaluation facilities include a salon to test hair care products, custom designed air care testing booths and a full-scale laundry facility for detergent and softener testing.

Smelling of Roses

Around the world the use of potentially harmful chemicals in fragrances is increasingly regulated.

Across all our markets, we monitor the regulatory landscape carefully and as committed members of IFRA, the safety of our perfumes is our first consideration.

To ensure we exceed quality standards for both our own requirements and those of our customers all our processes, services, equipment and products are ISO9001 (international organisation for standardisation) accredited.